
OMG! I love this website!

So there is the website call Couturious where you can style your own outfits using this years fashions! I've been doing it all afternoon! ha! i love it! now if only i had enough money to buy the clothes i actually use in some of my outfits i've already made.
Here is my favorite outfit i've made so far.
It totally screams summer, with the yellow accessories and the blue stripes say nautical! Yellow and blue is one of my favorite color combinations too!
TIP: If you are going to pair yellow and blue and you're older than 13, I recommend staying away from pairing the two primary shades of yellow and blue. I've tried it before and it reminded me of preschool. Pale yellow and navy blue look really good together

Yellow Sailor

*note that all the tips and advice I give are based off my own opnion. You dont have to go and buy all new clothes because of me! haha! ;) stay stylish!

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