

So Thanksgiving marks the "official" beginning of the Holiday Season in my house.
This mean your going to need outfits to match the season!

Times with family, friends, and parties are in your fashion future.
So what are you going to wear?

Well thats when my Holiday Outfit Plan comes in.

Holiday Family Party

Everyone know that sometime during the Holiday Season your going to have to visit the family. This mean giving grandma hugs and kisses, cracking jokes with your uncles, being stupid with your cousins, and of course taking lots of family photos. So you have to look your best.

Your not exactly going to want to wear the fanciest thing in your closet that is all decked out in glitter! Keep in simple, and modest! Remember, your probably not the oldest in your family and even if the elders might not be up-to-date with the fashion, you don't want grandpa having a heart attack!.

Here is your outfit plan for Family Affairs.

-I chose bright red flats (from Target) to be the pop of color in both these outfits.
Yes you don't want to look like a disco ball, but you still want to stand out, ecspecially if you have a large family.
-sweater dress: prefectly modest but still dress enough for the occasion
I paired it with grey tights so you can show off your legs in a modest way.
-Sequin Floral Belt: just to add some sparkle with out blinding your grandparents.
-Multi-chain necklace: Again to add some shine without going overboard, but if you choose the necklace DON'T WEAR THE BELT!

-Not into dresses?
I paired a regular ribbed, burgundy, tank with a grey cabled cardi.
Wear this with dark grey, twilled jeans with the red flats and your good to go!
the necklace or belt could also go with this outfit as show above.

Holiday Party with Friends/Coworkers
So the family is alright to hang with during the Holidays for awhile, but you have to get out with your girls and celebrate sometime during the season. You also have those holiday work parties that your expected to go to.

This is the time to break out the sparkles and shiny things! you don't want to miss the chance to wow; especially if the cute guy in the cubical next to you is going to be there ;). So for events like these you have a little more options for your outfit. Now your don't want to be under-dressed and have all your friends look nicer than you. So its always a good idea to check with everyone else and find out what the majority of people are wearing. That way, when you show up (fashionably late of course haha) you'll knock'em dead.
Here is what I had in mind

-I chose gold sequin heels (from Victoria Secret) as the main source of sparkle for the outfit.
-Red satin, Over-the-Shoulder, pencil dress: This dress is perfect for the occasion! its sexy, yet sophisticated and is sure to WOW everyone in the room!
-Not into Dresses?
-Sateen Flutter sleeve top paired with dark wash skinny jeans.
Wear it with the gold sequin heels as well!

Now these two outfits your can wear more shiny things than if your were going to a family occasion.

My advice:
-Go with long narrow earnings
-Big rings
-Multiple bracelets (not more than three!)
-One BIG bracelet
- A broach
Also, keep in mind, nothing says Holiday like BOWS! No, not in your hair your not 12, but on your rings, earrings, or bracelet.

So thats My Holiday Outfit Plan, Make sure your not stuck the day of the party trying to figure out to wear! (All item pictured are from Forever 21 besides the shoes!)


*note that all my advice is based off my own opinion. So if your grandparents don't like your outfit. Or if someone at the office party looks better than you..its not my fault. I can only do so much ha! Stay stylish ;)


How One Should Wear Her Cowgirl Boots :)

Seeing as i live in Jefferson County, Missouri AND graduated from Hillsboro High School I see A lot of these:

Mostly on guys but some girls wear them too.
Personally, I do not own a pair of these but I plan on getting some, however they won't be for mud'n or doing any sort of outside work because well, I'm just not like that haha.
The kind I want are called *fashion* cowgirl boots. Usually they aren't normal boot colors like red, pink, or white and some of them have heels.

You could wear these to a Line dancing club like Wild Country.

Okay so what do you wear with cowgirl boots?
Well if you plan on actually doing like WORK in them, it really doesn't matter.
However, how I would wear MY cowgirl boots, and how any girl should if they are going to be seen in public NOT doing work then here are 3 different outfits you could do that with.

Now ALL of them have denim incorporated in them because well, you really wouldn't be much of a "cowgirl" if you weren't wearing denim, even in the fashion world. If you going for the "cowgirl boot" look then you NEED denim.

Outfit #1: Flannel Shirt, Denim Shorts!

- A flannel shirt in any color will work really (this one from Hollister)
- LIGHT WASH and distressed works best for the denim short if you want the "cowgirl look" (also from Hollister)
- I would wear this outfit with WHITE cowgirl boots.
- This outfit can also be worn with the sleeves rolled up or opened up with a white cami under it for the shirt.

Outfit #2: Lacy Top, Boots tucked in!

- Lacy Top belted with a BROWN medium sized belt (from Rue 21)
- DARK WASH skinny jeans (from Forever 21), distressed or not, it really doesn't matter, just if you do holes in the jeans make sure they are little and aren't that many because too many and the outfit becomes too busy because of the lacy top.
- I would wear REDISH-BROWN boots with this outfit to compliment the brown belt.
- TUCK IN the jeans into the boots! Cuz whats the point of wear cute boots if you can't see them.

Outfit #3: Floral Dress, Denim Jacket!

- Pink and Red Floral Dress (from Forever 21)
- Denim jacket that I would wear OPENED UP over the dress. Sleeves rolled up as well.
(also from Forever XXI ha!)
- I would wear PINK boots with this to because there are pink flowers in the floral pattern. In most floral dresses there is some pink, but if there isn't i would go with the white or brown boots.

So there you go! I went back to my roots and incorporated cowgirl boots and fashion :)
That's what I get for being born and raised in Jefferson County, MO!

*Note that all tips and advice I give are in my opinion. So if you are a REAL cowgirl, please don't get mad at me if you don't wear your boots like this! ;) Stay Stylish!


Basics of Color Coordinating

Today I'm going to talk about basics. Like taking you back to fashion preschool.
A lot of people seem to hate shopping because they don't know how to pair things together. If you have ever seen What Not To Wear, the stylist on that show are very big on getting basic pieces the all coordinate with each other. This requires color coordinating.

No one wants a closet full of clothes that don't go together.
Some people seem to think that the only neutral colors are black, white, and brown.
The meaning of "neutral color" simply means with out color.
-Ivory, beige, taupe, gray, tan, khaki, cream, pale peach, and even navy (YES NAVY BLUE IS A NEUTRAL WHEN IT COME TO CLOTHES!)
These are all neutral colors that most people don't know about.

Okay! so now you know what neutral colors are.
But you don't want a closet full of just neutrals either.
Seriously, you have a pair khaki, tan, ivory, navy pants they will go with ANY color shirt!
You can pair neutrals with neutrals but just make sure you add a pop of color somewhere in the outfit. Like a brightly colored shoe, or accessory. Metalics go great when pairing neutrals as well.

Thats the basics of color coordinating.
Here are some of MY favorite color combos!



I also like Gray/Teal, Orange/Brown, Cream/Gold, Tan/Peach

one color combo i can NOT STAND is BLACK and BROWN!!! DO NOT PAIR THOSE!!!
now khaki and black...thats okay haha :)

*note that all the advice and tips i give are based on my own opinion, if you pair two colors together and they look bad, you should probably read this blog again ;) stay stylish


Wow it's been awhile: Wrap Dress and Belt

Jeez i feel like i haven't been on here forever!
I have been so busy with summer ending and all not to mention every time i actually had time to get on here I was hit with major writers block!

Well, first things first, I finished my wrap dress and i absolutely love it :)
There is like three different ways you can tie it but i prefer to wrap it around and tie it in the back. It just looks better on me that way.

Tie in front:

Tie in back:

I like this dress a lot because it's sophisticated but sexy..which is what i was going for, so i would say this dress was successful :)

Now next thing on the list, my cousin gave me a few ideas for blogs.
One was how to wear a LBB (Little Black Belt)
And the other was how to coordinate colors.

Today I'll do the belt one (because I already have pictures ;)) haha

In today's fashion, belts really aren't used to hold up your pants anymore, they are an accessory and if you wear it right, can do great things for your silhouette.

There are three basic types of belts that you really can't go wrong with.

The Wide Belt: You should wear this kind of belt around the waist because that is what it is made to do...create a waist line.

I like to wear these kinds of belts with baggy more loose fitting shirts (a.k.a shirts with no shape) or dresses that don't have a waist line. You could also tuck a shirt into a skirt and then wear a belt like this around the top of the skirt to hide wear you tucked your skirt into.

The Medium sized belt: this belt (like the wide one) can also be wore to create a waist line...but not as much of one as the wide belt.

These types of belt I usually wear around or just above the hips to give shirts or dresses a drop waist look.

The Skinny Belt: These belts are usually small enough to wear under the bust line to give a shirt or dress a empire waist line.

This is what an Empire Waist Line looks like:

You could also wear this belt around your waist but it won't give you that much of a waist line unless the shirt you wear it with is really loose.

Well that is what i have to say about belts and all the belts pictured above can be found at Forever 21.

*note that all the tips and advice are based on my own opinion. So if you buy a belt and it looks silly don't blame me. These belt are made for fashion not to hold up your pants ahaha! ;) stay stylish.


What I've Been Working On

Today's blog isn't going to be very long and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get it up too. My computer has been driving me nuts!

So over the few days that i have not posted i have actually gotten some things done.
Well actually no a whole lot, but i have been working on getting the ideas in my head out into real life.

My first idea was a black sort of cocktail-ish wrap dress. Kind of like this one only with short sleeves and a different style of skirt.

I did want it all plain black, maybe a shimmery kind of fabric.
But no surprise, because of the "wide variety" at my local fabric store, they didn't have the kind of fabric I had in mind. So i can home with this fabric:

I still like it and i think it will work and still be faboulous :)
It's not exactly what I had in mind but it will give the dress a kind of retro feel which i have no problem with. Only thing i am having a problem with is now i can't wear it with my gold heels because it has silver in it. Oh well.

I have the pattern pieces all cut out and im ready to start sewing it together!
I did make a few changes to the pattern as usual...
for the skirt part, instead of a round skirt like the pattern calls for,
it will be a pencil skirt, just to make it a little more sophisticated.

My NEXT idea that has been stuck in my head for the past few day was this lovely design right here:

Yes I designed this myself. Definatly a Heather Elizabeth Original :)
I do plan on actually making this dress (probably in the fall).
The construction of this dress is going to be a bit difficult, however it will be a work of art! Like many of my other dresses ;) haha
I should really take pictures of all the dresses i've made and put them on here.

Well that is what I have been up to recently. Stay stylish ;)


The Perfect Dress for You

Okay so today's blog is going to answer the classic question..
What kind of dress looks best on me?

Well to find this out, fist of all you need to know what your body shape is.
Yes, there is different body shapes and yes, there are clothes made for them out there.
If designer's only made clothes to fit the girls that make walk the runway...
they wouldn't make any money.

Now, there are 4 basic body shapes and how you can tell which one you are (3/4 are named after fruits which i think is funny!):

There is the Pear
-your top half is smaller than your lower half.
- a.k.a little boobs, big butt.
- if you gain wait it goes straight to your thighs

The Apple
-your top half is BIGGER than your bottom half
-a.k.a big boobs, no butt
-if you gain weight it goes to your waistline

The Banana (bet you never heard of that one haha) also called the "rectangle"
-your figure is straight up and down, may have some curves but they aren't defined
-a.k.a the "model" figure (no boobs, no butt)
- if you gain weight it would go straight to the little curves you do have.

The Hourglass
-your top half and bottom half are the same measurement and you waist is little
-a.k.a the curvy body (big boobs, big butt)
-if you gain weight it is evenly distributed through out your body

OKAY! So now that you know what body type you are now I can set you up with the perfect dress. Lets start in order shall we?

If you are a Pear:
A-lined dresses or wrap dresses are the best for a pear shaped person.
An A-line dress will flow away from your thighs (the biggest part of your body) and if it has an empire waist line (which most A-lines do) then it will show off your small waist. Wrap dresses are the same, they flow away from your thighs and show off your waist.
Here is an example of a A-lined LBD (little black dress) a pear shaped person could wear:

If you are an Apple:
Girls who are apple shapped usaully have nice legs. So to show them off, skirts or dress that are 1-5 inches above the knee will work. A-lined dresses also look good on apples as well. But unlike a pear, apples can wear tulip skirt dress or pencil skirts to show off there little thighs. If your and apple and looking for the perfect dress, keep in mind that gathering under the breast line will draw attention to your waist, which is a good thing. That way people won't stare at your large upper half and that's it.
LBD for an apple shape:

If you are a Banana :
Well, there really isn't anything you CAN'T wear. Just about any type of dress will look good on you that is why most models are "Bananas" haha. However there are dress that look better on you. For example a large waist band on a skirt can help create curves. A dress with a dropped waist also looks good.
LBD for a banana:

If you are an Hourglass:
Again there really isn't a dress you can't wear and it won't look good. The types of dresses that look best are dresses with a pencil skirt or dresses that hug your curves. You also want to look for a dress that will give you a smooth fit in the waist and hips.
LBD for a hourglass:

So if you didn't know what body shape you were or what would be the perfect dress for you? Well now you do :)

Just another little tip if your shopping for that perfect dress...
When in doubt, go with an A-line dress!
A-line look good on almost ANY body type!

*all the advice and tips that i give are in my own opinion. So if you buy a dress based off this blog and you feel it doesn't look good on you. It's not my fault. but i doubt that will happen ;) stay stylish.


Fashion Do Not's from the Zoo

So yesterday I took a trip to the city zoo with the family.
While waiting for my 10 year old sister to get out of the children's zoo i saw at least 10 fashion DO NOT'S!!! It's like, do people really realize what they look like?
but not all hope is lost because I'll name the top 3 DO NOT's I saw today and then explain what these people could have done to make the outfit better....waaaaaay better! haha

Okay first one i saw which was probably the worst too:

Leggings are meant to wear UNDER your skirt!
DO NOT wear them as pants!!!
Like seriously?
Because then you got VPL (visable pantie line)
unwanted parts of your thighs showing through spandex.
It's pretty much like wearing tights with no skirt.
Not pretty.
Now this is an easy fix because the rest of this girls outfit was cute.
She had silver gladiator sandals on and a cute white tank and the leggings were grey.
All she needed to do was put on some jean shorts or a jean skirt and she would have been fine!
Oh and untie the back of the tank so her whole belly wouldn't be showing...yeah forgot about that part.
Fashionable alternative:

shorts over leggings were very popular this past spring and because of the leggings you could wear your jean shorts in the fall now!

Number Two:
A bracelet is a great accessory to add to any outfit.,,but keep them in small numbers!
This girl I saw today had bracelets up to her forearm!
Advice: If you have a chucnky bracelet that takes up most of your wrist...keep it at that DO NOT add more like this chick had.
She was wearing a bracelet simlar to this one:

she could have kept it at that...where she went wrong is she was also wearing something like these:

oh AND these:

Okay the fix for this one is easy too.
Just pick ONE set of bracelets to wear! not all of them!

Number three:
You know how guys will cut off like the WHOLE side of their shirt to wear to the gym or pool?
Kinda like this only with the whole side open:

Well first of all these are only supposed to be for like the gym and pool. Not public outings like the zoo!
and 2nd...girls don't look very good in them unless at the gym!
One girl i saw was wearing one with a purple polka dot tank underneath
The T shirt was orange...not a good color combo but at least her side were covered.
Another girl I saw was wearing one like a guy would...
side NOT covered...just her lime green bra.
it looked trashy.
If you want a tank with out sides
first wear a cami under it!
and try this as an alternative to the cut off gym t-shirts:

So there you go! Just another reason you should care how you look to some extent because unfortunately in today's society your're first impression come from your appearance...and who doesn't want to look the best they can? :)

Oh I also saw a guy meditating on a rock at the zoo yesterday no joke!
but his outfit was fine...bahaha!

*all the advice and tips I give are in my own opnion. But i am sorry if i offended you because you are guilty of one of the three mentioned above...so...try to stay stylish ;)


Adding black for a "sweet rebel" look

So I really don't know what to blog about nothing has really came to mind, advice wise anyway.
I guess i could tell you about this phase I have been going through.
See when i was in Jr. High all I wore was like graphic tees and jeans (short in warmer weather). Also most of them were neutral colors like black, brown, white, grey, tan...ect.

I never really wore any colors.
So when i got into high school I tired to stay away from neutral colors altogether!
Which was wrong also. It wasn't really until Junior year that i started bring neutral colors back into my outfits.
I guess it was because I was getting older and wearing only bright colors all the time made me feel like a little kid and neutral colors made me feel more sophisticated.

See, all neutral colors = sophisticated.

But even after re-introducing neutral colors...i still tried to stay away from black.
Until just recently...
It seems like lately i have been drawn to black shiny things.
The two things I bought when I was on vaction this past weekend:

New sunglasses from old navy: black with rhinestones on them.
New ring from some booth at a 4th july fair: black and silver and shiny haha

Not to mention I also have been wearing these two things A LOT!

I also want the WHOLE rocker chick look from forever 21!
Its a summer trend you know...
check it out.

Here are a few things I want so bad to get that look.

I like the whole mix between sweet and rebel.
Which is totally the look I've been trying to get and I guess adding a little black to all my outfits is the first step in doing just that!

Well the only advice I could give you from this is if you want to get that "sweet rebel" look...buy things with studs, chains, zippers, buckles...the hard wear is where its at! haha. Also get stuff in pastel colors, lace, maybe some pearls and there ya go! you have what i call "sweet rebel" look.
i'm going to try pairing a white, lacie dress with that vest and bracelet pictured above :)

*all the advice and tips i give are in my own opinion. So you don't have to go and change your whole look because of me ;) stay stylish


Pastel Shorts

We have all seen it. The girl with the shorts or jeans that are not a normal color.
I've seen bright yellow, purple, electric blue, neon green, ect...
All those colors are great! Believe me I love bright colors!
But no matter what body shape you are, colors THAT bright just DON'T belong on the bottom!

My reasoning: do you really want people starting at your lower half all day? Because that is wear the attention is being drawn to. They don't look at the cute shirt you got or your face or how your hair is done, they are looking directly at the pants/shorts because its like your wear a neon sign that says STARE HERE! Hey you might like that but for me, it's not very flattering no matter how great looking your legs/butt are.

Okay, so now that i'm done dissing neon colored bottoms let me compromise with you what you CAN do if you want colored bottoms.
Everyone wants to be bold and stand out which is why they wear the different colors of pants/shorts. Well here is a solution that won't make you look like you belong in a circus.
PASTEL SHORTS! (or pants but since it's summer i'll use shorts)

Now the pastel colors are a wonderful alternative to the bright colors.
So yes, you still will be standing out but instead of everyone looking straight at your lower half, they will see the whole outfit.
So instead of a "Holly crap! That girl has some BRIGHT pants/shorts on!"
It will be "Aw her outfit is cute, and look her shorts are pink( purple, green..ect.) thats awesome!"

That only works though if you pair the shorts with the right shirt.
I'll be using V-neck as an example just because i think they go really well with jean shorts for a nice casual day look.
#1 DON'T with pastel shorts!!!
DO NOT MATCH the color of the shorts with the shirt!
If your pants and shirt are all one solid color...you'll look like a crayon.
but if you don't want to wear just a plain white, grey, black shirt with them, here is what you CAN do.
Get shirts that have a graphic pic or design in that same color of your shorts.
Examples:(all the v-necks can be found at PacSun)

This V-neck can go with ANY of the shorts pictured above because it had two neutral colors in it.

This one you could pair with the pink or yellow shorts.

This shirt...pastel purple shorts! duh! haha

this one can go with the blue, pink, or purple shorts.

and pair the blue or teal shorts with this shirt and you'll be good to go :)

The main thing to remember when matching a shirt to a pair of pastel shorts is look at the color of the shorts...then look at the colors in the shirt. They don't have to match exactly but if they are in the same color family (ex:blue, blue-green, teal...) then it should be a good match!

So next time your at the mall and you pass by the neon shorts/pants on the self...
just think about this post and you'll be saved from people only starting at your lower half! haha.

*note that all the tips and advice i give are in my own opinion. If you have a pair of neon shorts/pants and LOVE them and you feel you look good in them no matter what anyone says..good for you :) thats good self-esteem ;) stay stylish!