
How One Should Wear Her Cowgirl Boots :)

Seeing as i live in Jefferson County, Missouri AND graduated from Hillsboro High School I see A lot of these:

Mostly on guys but some girls wear them too.
Personally, I do not own a pair of these but I plan on getting some, however they won't be for mud'n or doing any sort of outside work because well, I'm just not like that haha.
The kind I want are called *fashion* cowgirl boots. Usually they aren't normal boot colors like red, pink, or white and some of them have heels.

You could wear these to a Line dancing club like Wild Country.

Okay so what do you wear with cowgirl boots?
Well if you plan on actually doing like WORK in them, it really doesn't matter.
However, how I would wear MY cowgirl boots, and how any girl should if they are going to be seen in public NOT doing work then here are 3 different outfits you could do that with.

Now ALL of them have denim incorporated in them because well, you really wouldn't be much of a "cowgirl" if you weren't wearing denim, even in the fashion world. If you going for the "cowgirl boot" look then you NEED denim.

Outfit #1: Flannel Shirt, Denim Shorts!

- A flannel shirt in any color will work really (this one from Hollister)
- LIGHT WASH and distressed works best for the denim short if you want the "cowgirl look" (also from Hollister)
- I would wear this outfit with WHITE cowgirl boots.
- This outfit can also be worn with the sleeves rolled up or opened up with a white cami under it for the shirt.

Outfit #2: Lacy Top, Boots tucked in!

- Lacy Top belted with a BROWN medium sized belt (from Rue 21)
- DARK WASH skinny jeans (from Forever 21), distressed or not, it really doesn't matter, just if you do holes in the jeans make sure they are little and aren't that many because too many and the outfit becomes too busy because of the lacy top.
- I would wear REDISH-BROWN boots with this outfit to compliment the brown belt.
- TUCK IN the jeans into the boots! Cuz whats the point of wear cute boots if you can't see them.

Outfit #3: Floral Dress, Denim Jacket!

- Pink and Red Floral Dress (from Forever 21)
- Denim jacket that I would wear OPENED UP over the dress. Sleeves rolled up as well.
(also from Forever XXI ha!)
- I would wear PINK boots with this to because there are pink flowers in the floral pattern. In most floral dresses there is some pink, but if there isn't i would go with the white or brown boots.

So there you go! I went back to my roots and incorporated cowgirl boots and fashion :)
That's what I get for being born and raised in Jefferson County, MO!

*Note that all tips and advice I give are in my opinion. So if you are a REAL cowgirl, please don't get mad at me if you don't wear your boots like this! ;) Stay Stylish!


Basics of Color Coordinating

Today I'm going to talk about basics. Like taking you back to fashion preschool.
A lot of people seem to hate shopping because they don't know how to pair things together. If you have ever seen What Not To Wear, the stylist on that show are very big on getting basic pieces the all coordinate with each other. This requires color coordinating.

No one wants a closet full of clothes that don't go together.
Some people seem to think that the only neutral colors are black, white, and brown.
The meaning of "neutral color" simply means with out color.
-Ivory, beige, taupe, gray, tan, khaki, cream, pale peach, and even navy (YES NAVY BLUE IS A NEUTRAL WHEN IT COME TO CLOTHES!)
These are all neutral colors that most people don't know about.

Okay! so now you know what neutral colors are.
But you don't want a closet full of just neutrals either.
Seriously, you have a pair khaki, tan, ivory, navy pants they will go with ANY color shirt!
You can pair neutrals with neutrals but just make sure you add a pop of color somewhere in the outfit. Like a brightly colored shoe, or accessory. Metalics go great when pairing neutrals as well.

Thats the basics of color coordinating.
Here are some of MY favorite color combos!



I also like Gray/Teal, Orange/Brown, Cream/Gold, Tan/Peach

one color combo i can NOT STAND is BLACK and BROWN!!! DO NOT PAIR THOSE!!!
now khaki and black...thats okay haha :)

*note that all the advice and tips i give are based on my own opinion, if you pair two colors together and they look bad, you should probably read this blog again ;) stay stylish


Wow it's been awhile: Wrap Dress and Belt

Jeez i feel like i haven't been on here forever!
I have been so busy with summer ending and all not to mention every time i actually had time to get on here I was hit with major writers block!

Well, first things first, I finished my wrap dress and i absolutely love it :)
There is like three different ways you can tie it but i prefer to wrap it around and tie it in the back. It just looks better on me that way.

Tie in front:

Tie in back:

I like this dress a lot because it's sophisticated but sexy..which is what i was going for, so i would say this dress was successful :)

Now next thing on the list, my cousin gave me a few ideas for blogs.
One was how to wear a LBB (Little Black Belt)
And the other was how to coordinate colors.

Today I'll do the belt one (because I already have pictures ;)) haha

In today's fashion, belts really aren't used to hold up your pants anymore, they are an accessory and if you wear it right, can do great things for your silhouette.

There are three basic types of belts that you really can't go wrong with.

The Wide Belt: You should wear this kind of belt around the waist because that is what it is made to do...create a waist line.

I like to wear these kinds of belts with baggy more loose fitting shirts (a.k.a shirts with no shape) or dresses that don't have a waist line. You could also tuck a shirt into a skirt and then wear a belt like this around the top of the skirt to hide wear you tucked your skirt into.

The Medium sized belt: this belt (like the wide one) can also be wore to create a waist line...but not as much of one as the wide belt.

These types of belt I usually wear around or just above the hips to give shirts or dresses a drop waist look.

The Skinny Belt: These belts are usually small enough to wear under the bust line to give a shirt or dress a empire waist line.

This is what an Empire Waist Line looks like:

You could also wear this belt around your waist but it won't give you that much of a waist line unless the shirt you wear it with is really loose.

Well that is what i have to say about belts and all the belts pictured above can be found at Forever 21.

*note that all the tips and advice are based on my own opinion. So if you buy a belt and it looks silly don't blame me. These belt are made for fashion not to hold up your pants ahaha! ;) stay stylish.